If you are new to the industry, or work in a company that has regular contact with shoemakers, or you need to talk about footwear in English – when it is not your native language – then this dictionary will help you. And if you are a student of shoemaking, in England, then the concise shoemaking dictionary really is a ‘must have’.

The concise shoemaking dictionary is a publication created to fill the gap between the inexpensive (free!) glossaries available on internet and the very comprehensive books which are expensive and too big to be always within arm’s reach for everyday reference.

This A5 book, which can be kept handy at all times, will provide an explanation of a jargon word or phrase – when it’s needed! The third edition has 100 pages with around 1032 keywords and 275 line drawings to complement the text where it is helpful. A supplement lists more than 249 footwear-related websites.